Monday, March 9, 2009

Playing Outside

It was cool to see so many people out on Saturday. I think everyone really appreciated the warm weather and sun after so many days of back to back rain.

Seeing people running, biking, gardening or just playing ball, reminded me of the stories I've heard about the first warm day of Spring in the midwest.
The word is: everyone is outside.

I've been to Wisconsin and experienced some horrific temperatures, but only for a short time. The winter of 1983 was quite memorable; it was our wedding reception on the southside of Milwaukee and the temperature was 27 degress below zero WITHOUT the wind chill (wind chill is a critical piece of weather status). I remember layers of clothing, frozen locks and dead batteries. Anyway, great reception, but cold as h&*%.

Okay, back to California. I know, hardly a fair comparison.

Looking forward to Spring, the sun filled days and more reasons to be playing outside.

1 comment:

  1. I grew up in Chicago and clearly remember freezing spring days and sometimes snow as late as April. Freakish storms that would stun you and blunt all optimism about spring then finally you could sense a turning and you felt winter was gone at last. A beautiful sensation that is less dramatic here in the Bay Area.
